
Incoming Freshmen Summer School 2025

Saint Mary’s High School is committed to forming and preparing students to be successful in high school. Some students are required to take and successfully complete one or both of these courses in order to be enrolled at Saint Mary’s. Others take these courses in order to be better prepared and become more familiar with Saint Mary’s before their freshman year begins. Students must earn a C+ or above and demonstrate openness to formation in virtue to successfully complete these courses. Students are required to wear a Saint Mary’s uniform. Attendance is expected for classes Monday through Friday, and students may not miss more than 3 days of class per session, or they will be dropped from the class. More information will be provided after registration.

2025 Summer Schedule


Saint Mary’s offers classes for those required to attend summer school for admittance into Saint Mary’s.  Students must earn a C+ to guarantee admittance to Saint Mary’s.  Other students may take these courses for additional preparation.  All classes will be offered in-person only, and do not earn credit towards graduation at Saint Mary’s.

Tuition is $170 per course.

Pre-Algebra only: June 2 – June 27 , from 7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Languages Arts only: June 2 – June 27 , from 7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Saint Mary’s offers an Algebra 1-2 summer school course over two sessions for those wishing to advance in the math sequence or review material before beginning Geometry. Each session grants 0.5 credits. Two sessions will grant 1.0 full credit. To advance to Geometry Honors, students must take both sessions and earn a grade of at least a C. Students not earning this grade will be enrolled in Algebra 1-2 Honors or other applicable class.

Tuition is $170 per session.


Session 1: May 27 – June 11, from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Session 2: June 12 – June 27, from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


  • * All students are required to wear a Saint Mary’s uniform for summer school. The same attendance and disciplinary policies also apply. Students may not miss more than 3 classes, or they will be dropped from class.
  • * The school cafeteria is open from 9:45 a.m. -10:15 a.m. for break.

Contact Admissions Coordinator, Mrs. Sabrina Rideau ([email protected]) if you have any questions!

Register Today for Summer 2025!





Course Descriptions

Pre-Algebra – This course is required for some incoming freshmen and is optional for others. This is a four-week course and meets daily. Students begin to address mathematical concepts by using numerical analysis. They master the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, and percents. They move toward symbolic language and begin to understand mathematics as more than just rote memorization of algorithms.

Grade Level: Incoming Freshmen

Language Arts – This course is required for some incoming freshmen and is optional for others. This is a four-week course and meets daily and serves as an introduction to Humanities classes at Saint Mary’s. Students are immersed in the culture of the liberal arts and classical education by reading classic texts closely and then learning how to think about those texts constructively through Socratic discussion and short writing assignments. The course also focuses on basic elements of grammar and etymology aimed to help students learn to read more effectively. Everything in the curriculum at Saint Mary’s depends upon a student’s willingness and ability to read closely and develop habits of thoughtfulness. This course gives students practical guidelines to meet that mission and succeed at Saint Mary’s in the Fall.

Grade Level: Incoming Freshmen

ALGEBRA 1-2 – This course is available to incoming freshman who want to advance to Geometry Honors next school year. This is a five-week course. Both sessions of this course are required for students who want to advance. The course introduces students to the basic structure of Algebra, including reinforcement of all Pre-Algebra skills as well as topics such as algebraic properties and terminology, variables, order of operations, solving linear equations, coordinate graphing, word problems, systems of equations, exponents, polynomials, factoring, quadratic equations, and rational equations.

Grade Level: Incoming Freshmen


Saint Mary’s Catholic High School